(which may I just proudly say, there are at least 47 Chinese students who now know the meaning of this theatrical slang!)
*Beautiful babies who do not recognize the color of a face, but the smile on it
*The deliciousness of Chinese food (you think its good in the states...oh man)
*Flirtatious men
*The blessing of a rainy day spent with friends
*My ability to stick my foot in my mouth!
*My inability to do anything useful in a kitchen
*The subconscious feeling that there is something bigger out there
*The healing power of a piece of chocolate
*Women worrying about their weight
*Random Acts of Kindness
*Secret love affairs
*The game of Spades is top ten
*Prank phone calls at 12:01 am
*Inherent respect for, and a desire to glean wisdom from, the elderly
*Boy Bands (unfortunately)
*A man's need to be strong
*A woman's need to be loved
*Students falling asleep in class
*Obsession with celebrity
*The unbelievable beauty of His creation
*The destructive power of jealousy
*The empowerment of a compliment
*McDonald's is slow suicide
*The unparalleled comfort of The Word
*The disconnect of a government from its people
*Potty humor
*Bad dancers (who have the misguided impression they are fantastic and must share their gift)
*The alienation that is created by arrogance
*The need for acceptance
*The pleasure of a strong, black, steaming cup of coffee
*An effect of a mother's love on one's formation
*The destructiveness of a father's mistreatment
*Fascination with disaster, from car accidents to fashion faux pas
*On that note...fashion faux pas!
*The need to be rescued
I could go on and on...I had thought at first about listing the differences between America and China, but I realized it be a short list. "Nationality" doesn't lead to much interesting conversation. At first I was shocked to learn the truth that we are not so different, but then I realized it shouldn't surprise me: we all come from the same great love and are made in the image of the same infallible power. We were all meant to serve the same master and to be one body. Its an awesome realization!
I want you all to know I am doing so well. I am having such an adventure, I am happy, I am healthy and I have family here. My students and my friends are so warm and loving, they make you feel like their best friend and the most famous person on the planet all that the same time! There are days when I miss you all so much it hurts, but thankfully those are fleeting moments because I am here for a purpose and have been given great peace. Thank you for your covering, I feel it every day and thrive under it! Please email me (jessica.inchina@yahoo.com), write on my facebook wall, call me (1-360-566-2881), anything! I miss seeing your faces, but I can hear your words and look forward to it every day!!!
(Please remember and adhere to the guidelines I have given you all on contacting me, they are very important. If you need another copy, please let me know)
GWG - Jessica
oh Jessica,
if only I could print out a thousand copies and pass them out on the streets! My heart is so happy to hear of your discovery of the truth that has been there all along. Keep your sword by your side. I love you.
I'm happy that even in China they enjoy boy bands. That means its true that people all around the world like bad music!
I'm glad that people all over the world like boy bands because it confirms that bad music can spread to the most innocent of places.
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