Happy Christmas All! I know "happy" is not the characteristic English greeting, but being here in China has left me at a culture crossroads. I am forgetting so much of my own culture, while embracing another, I feel almost as if I could reinvent myself altogether. So British it is today!
I realized horrifically that I have been MIA from my blog for over a month, during which I am sure you were all torture with worrisome thoughts of my well being. Is she alright? Did she die of food poisoning from a hundred year old egg? Has she been thrown in a Chinese prison or deported? Unfortunately, I have no grandiose tale to give you aside from sheer shirking of my correspondence responsibilities. So in order to make amends, good friend, I will try to fill you in on the past exhausting, fulfilling and packed/packed/packed few weeks.
~Thanksgiving Recap~ I will admit that in the days leading up to Thanksgiving, I was less than pleasant to live with (I am sure Angelyn & Brian could attest to that). Obvious with the joy of the holidays comes the constant reminder of the miles that separate us from our family. Thankfully, despite my wallowing, the LRD blessed me with everything I didn't deserve. I can say with full assurance that I had one of the best Thanksgivings ever...much to the chagrin of my mother I am sure. We went to McDonalds for a family breakfast (I shudder to admit it, but its true, I ate there) and showed the Chinese onlookers how its done with a game of REAL football. Sadly through a number of unfortunate circumstances: cheating, referee buying, yardage discrepancies, the mighty fell. But the north will rise again! ;o) We had Thanksgiving dinner with the entire family, I would say almost 80 people in all! Foreigners and Chinese from all over the city, family and non. We each cooked western delights so the feast was complete, from deviled eggs to apple pies. It was wonderful to have a taste of home to say the least! And the evening would not have been complete without the most amazing Karaoke moment that has ever been and ever would be...see the photo album...as well as a cup of jo from our recently discovered Chinese Central Perk. After such an incredible day, Angelyn and I decided we just couldn't let the good times stop rolling, so we headed to Wuhan for round two! We spent the weekend in Wuhan with some much missed foreigner friends. Highlights included the best nap I have ever had in my life, Tom's World, an hour long hair washing, and a Thanksgiving poker came (cleaned up at by yours truly).
At this point I would like to make a disclaimer...I feel that my pictures speak louder than my words ever could, and they just plain take less time to read. Please refer to the photo albums here to witness Thanksgiving in China in all its bizarre and delectable glory!Album #1: What Am I Thankful For?Album#2: So Apparently the Devil only Lives in Wuchang...~The Great Tree Heist of 2007 & Russian Hats~
Because I am my mother's daughter, I have an innate aversion to what I will from here on out refer to as "tacky Christmas". You know tacky Christmas when you see it...its the flaw-filled, flashy decorating tactic that once completed is visible from space. The Chinese are masters of tacky Christmas, which they have had the misfortune of believing to be beautiful. I will not go into specifics, I only mentioned it to preface my story with the statement that the number one offense of tacky Christmas is the fake tree. I passionately declared I would NOT, under any circumstances or duress, put a fake tree in my house...so after a failed trip to the tree market...the next logical step was to hike into the wilderness that is my back yard and chop one down myself (as my ancestors did in the days of ole). So I wrangled some accomplices into my plot and we set out to obtain the perfect tree. Of course, because our activities were highly suspect, the tree heist was done under the cover of darkness. Though in the adventure a few "minor" scratches were obtain, eventually the prickly, Charlie Brown death tree came to its new home, natures ornaments and all. And it stands today, surrounded by presents, awaiting to fulfill its Christmas destiny. Some have called it ugly...ridiculous...and pathetic - but these are merely words of jealousy. When you see the pictures, you will know, it is truly a glorious symbol of the Christmas spirit!
In the first week of December we were granted the presence of two beautiful ladies from Wuhan. Danielle and Carole missed us so much, and since we had assured them there were good times to be had in Shiyan, they came for a weekend out in the "country". We spent the little precious time we had together in women's study, a visit to the local orphanage, and in Sunday meeting together. I think it was a wonderful chance for the girls to see how the small but established family of Shiyan works. I wish everyone could experience the China that I am privileged to experience each day through them. There was other fun to be had as well...from KTV to Shanghai Angel Place. All of these things were highlighted with Russian hats, random outbreaks of musical numbers, and very poor Chinese! There was a combination of kindred spirits that turned the everyday exceptional. Lesson learned: its not the location, but the caliber of the company that makes a vacation (see the next post for further proof).
Album #3: Baby It's Cold Outside~Sheng Ri Kui La A Ni!~ Because time cannot stand still, regardless of how you wish for it, I had the obligation of turning another year old recently. I think I have been cursed to live all my life with Peter Pan syndrome, and since there is no physical Neverland to escape to, I will have to be content with childish antics every once in a while. (A shocking admission to those who know me so well, I am sure) But I will admit, I willingly embrace the practice of celebrating the inevitable in style, and was given a truly fantastic day. Albeit, I spent the morning giving finals, but even those were not unbearable. I received a lovely wake up knock from my students, a birthday banner to commemorate the occasion, and a fresh batch of banana pancakes eaten to the delicious voice of Jack Johnson's musical twin. I spent the afternoon relaxing with friends, and that evening our friends joined me for dinner and the most enormous birthday cake I have ever seen! I was showered with gifts, hugs and love - the perfect way to spend the day. Everytime I am able to see all of our family together, I am so overwhelmed with the incredible blessing I have here. They have welcomed and loved me with an ounce of reservation, something I still have trouble believing at times, but am so glad to accept. I would have to say that the highlight was an incredible gift directly from a friend's heart to mine: the "hit-Abraham-in-the-jugular" dart board. This present is the perfect outlet for some much needed aggression release against a particularly disgruntling superior. Please witness the breaking in of the board below, as well as the birthday photo album!
Album #4: Sheng Ri Kui La to me! So...after writing for so long, I have come to the realization that you will shortly be bored with me if I talk for much longer. I have left you with more than enough photos to ponder and questions to ask (which I always welcome by the way) I would love to spend the next blog posting getting to the heart of things...so please be watching for a report on Destination December, the PLM & Family News in the next few days. Until then, know that I am constantly reminded of you all - I carry you in my heart.
GWG ~ Jessica