Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Wake Me Up Before You Go

Admission: Wrote this blog once already, but sadly my computer fritz and all was lost. With the loss of those words went all my energy, so this will be less detailed. Sorry for myself, that my future self will suffer from my current apathy, but excited for you all that you will be spared my usual wordiness!

Thailand - Day 32-38
The purpose of our visit to Bangkok was to attend a conference will fellow workers, so the majority of our time was spent in a classroom emotionally and mentally draining ourselves. But it was a great experience! I felt both freed and challenged by what I learned throughout the week and returned home eager to change my current path. Its difficult for me to express what I would like because of certain restrictions...just please lift up the team in Shiyan as we begin to look at making some drastic changes to fulfill our purpose.

Highlights of Bangkok:
* We were able to meet with the Thai Ch-rch in Bangkok, and we met some of the most incredible people there! Aka and Gone were a young couple who took us in and were constantly wandering around the city entertaining us all. Jess and I also fell pretty madly in love with a Thai Military Man - Wayne Brady - Buddhist...the separation was difficult, though I think Jess took it the worst
* Going to the Siam Center, a ludicrously expensive mall to watch P.S. I Love You with Nelda - I am calling it the night of 6 times (bursts into tears)
* A river tour through the choppy channels where I met Aka, Gone & Ja-lan (our military man) for the first time...as well as the priceless entertainment from Jeremy
* Meeting Jeremy, the infamous elephant man. Many of you may remember the person I asked you to pr-y for, a fellow teacher in China who was attacked by elephants and recovering in the Bangkok hospital. He had been released a few days before we arrived and we were able to hang out with him. He completely honored me with what was both the most terrifying and hilarious story I had ever heard!!! I would love to regurgitate some of that for you here, but I promised to hold it in, he is planning on writing a book (his second) on his experience. I was blessed to meet him and excited to hear (or read) more of his incredible testimony.
* SHOPPING...you know me, enough said

Thoughts on My South East Asia Adventure
*This was the first time that I had actually traveled...I know that statement is probably puzzling, but in my mind I don't consider China traveling anymore. China is home, and I definitely felt the difference between the whirlwind movement of those 40 some days. It was amazing to expand my world view in such a way - to be reminded of extreme poverty and the resilience of overcoming war. To hear languages I had no hope of understanding, and the various smiles that spoke volumes. It definitely wet my thirst for more and renewed my desire to spend my life doing SOMETHING
*The amount of selfishness, flippancy, and general disrespect that permeated the culture of many of my fellow travelers was constantly shocking to my system. Even here in China, I am living somewhat in a bubble of people with high morality...the constant barrage of drugs, sex and more drugs that cycled through the day to day of others was devastating to witness. It was a wake-up call to me that renewed my vision from the conference. The vast number of the lost seems overwhelming...how much more so then should we be active and engaged, living in the midst of the world to transform it!
*40 days is a hideous figure...I could have spent that in one province alone. I finally understand why Europeans spend years at a time traveling - there is too much to see!
*Asians make incredibly good western food that does not a healthy budget make...
*Despite its disorder, transportation nightmares and less-than-lush scenery, Cambodia stole my heart. Of all the countries it made the greatest impression on my mind. I was empowered by the people there - the beauty of their spirit in the midst of poverty and the aftermath of war. I know my path will cross with the Khmer again, and I can only hope it is soon.

Finally...PHOTO ALBUMS! (Thanks for your patience, hope you enjoy it)
Southeast Asia #1 - Vietnam
Southeast Asia #2 - Cambodia
Southeast Asia #3 - Cambodia...two
Southeast Asia #4 - Laos
Southeast Asia #5 - Thailand

To sum it up, I have been woken up. When I moved to China, the first months were a constant challenge that left me feeling that I had changed beyond recognition. It is an amazing testimony to the Father that when we think we can't go any further, He informs you He has only just begun. I realize more and more that each day is filled of revelations, and the woman I am in the morning has failed, learned and laughed herself into a new person by the time my head hits the pillow. In travel, you feel that transformation at warp speed and it shakes you. I am anxious to hold on to the feeling I have at this moment of the world and who I am in it. I have a purpose to fulfill, his purpose, and if I spend even a minute thinking of something else, I have lost something irreplaceable.

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