What do the Students think is my Job? When one asks students to describe the foreign teachers job, they reply with one or more of the following:
- 1. To teach us English
- 2. To teach us correct English
- 3. To teach us Oral grammar
- 4. To tell us about foreign culture
- 5. To Improve our English
- 6. To correct our pronunciation
- 7. To get paid a lot of money for talking talking talking
I received this ARTICLE from Angelyn, my fellow teacher. As soon as I read it, I knew I had to share it with you. I think it will give you a really interesting insight into what I do here, and the expectations our students have of us. (Teacher, what is the secret to learning English?) Sadly, I have no magic wand, and neither does this man. It is obvious that this teacher is more than a little frustrated with what he probably feels is a no win situation...I can relate. I love my students, but there are certainly days...
Meanwhile, I received a lot of wonderful "common misconceptions" from my readers, I will be sharing them on Monday and be sure to let you know their responses. Thanks for your help!