Friday, March 6, 2009

New Term, New Identity Crisises

Each new semester offers me great amusement as my students pick their English names. Inevitably, my classrooms are full of Bobs, Bills, Amys, and Michael Schofields, but there are always the random, unique, or extremely misguided choices to enjoy. Perhaps it makes me a bad teacher, but I often let them use whatever name they want so that the laughter in my head aides my sanity in a difficult teaching day. Here are some fun ones from this semester:

Bruss Li and Forest Gun...
Cooler Black
Mongo and his partner Jabulani
July, October, May and February
Coco, Debbie and Lily...who are all male
Dobby, and the partner who obviously won the arguement, Harry
David Bush, and his classmate W Bush, and his other classmate Obama


Unknown said...

Thanks Jessica! And I don't think I've said CONGRATS and OH MY GOODNESS I"M SOOOOO HAPPY FOR YOU yet! I love you!!!!

Oh yeah--can I add your blog to my friends' blogs list on mine? Let me know! :)

Jessica said...


DougX said...

Hi, Jessica. First time reach your blog, very impressed. I am sure we have some common topic to discuss...Europe, America, Culture, Value... Doug

DougX said...

Hello Jessica, can you kindly leave your email? I came back from Europe, travelled a lot, now have strong link with Wudang, some issues in your blog pretty attracts me,