Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Common Misconception Response #2

Misconception: There is no difference between Chinese and Japanese.

Dear Beth,
It's normal for you to say that Chinese and Japanese have no difference. But I have to tell you that this idea is totally wrong. We do share the same characteristics in appearance, but we have plenty of differences which you may not know. Let's take food for example. Difference parts of China have different flavors for food. Sweet in south, salty in north, sour in west and hot in east. We eat many kinds of food. Cantonese, Sichuan cuisine and so on. Japanese eat seafood especially fresh fish a lot because of its loction. To make it convenient, Japanese chopsticks are longer and more pointed than Chinese chopsticks. We pay more attention to the taste of the food, while Japanese like beautiful utensils to hold the food. The eating habits, Japanese always do acting appointments, they should decide how much they would spend before the meal, then give the money to the host. In China, except for the banquet, all the payments will be taken into the host's arm, even if it is the dining between colleagues. One treats this time, and another will treat the nxt time.
To be honest, Chinese education is not very successful. Students cope with all kinds of exams everyday, it feels like we are led by the nose. To some people college entrance examination is the most important thing in their whole lives, more than their marriage. In the eyes of public, students in brand-name university are definitely more superb than those from normal ones. Japanese educational services pay high attention to students' comprehensive quality, especially to their competitive spirit, practical ability and interest cultivation. The culture of China and Japan is not the same thing, either. We have Confucious, Mencius and so on. We are influenced by their thoughts so we are friendly to others most of the time. Japan is influenced by many foreign factors, including Chinese culture, but western culture affecs them in a large extent. They have turned those to their own culture. I should say that Japanese are really good learners. That is the brief explanation, I hope it will help you.
Yours, Ferrer

Misconception: All Chinese are born knowing kung fu and other martial arts

Dear David,
How is everthing going? I know you must like China very much, you think that we are born knowing how to do kung fu, or some other martial art. But I want to say that this is a misconception. You say that someone knows how to do Kung fu, or some other martial art. That's true. But not all of us can do it. And we are not born knowing how to do it. If you come to China, you'll find that most of us can't do Kung fu. Someone maybe do it because they want to strengthen their bodies.
So, why do you have this misconception? I think that nowdays many directors like to produce movies about Chinese Kung fu because its mysterious and can attract many people. If you want to come to China, do not hesitate. China is really a beautiful country and all of us like peace and harmony. Welcome to China!
Your friends, Fredz and Daisy


Beth said...

Jessica, Thanks for putting up these replies. David and I really enjoyed reading and discussing them. Let your students know that we appreciate their responses and do not actually believe any of the misconceptions we submitted. Rather, we just submitted ideas the media always tries to throw at us about the Chinese.

William said...

awesome. I can't wait till the end. How many more posts do you have? I have a lesson idea for you...I haven't used it, but thought it might be fun.

There is a website called http://www.hanzismatter.com/

It has translated tattoos that foreigners have gotten in Chinese characters. You could talk about the culture of tattoos in the West and talk about differences with Chinese culture. Show them some of the tattoos and let them have a laugh. Then ask them to design a tattoo based on an English word or phrase that describes their life or something that they would want to have permanently on their body. I'd love to see what they come up with.