So Angelyn and I have had a plan since December of last year - the day we met the Sim Garden Hostel puppy in Chengdu - get a China puppy (against the expressed order of our school) and name him SimSim. We decided to go for it when we got back this year, so on Sunday morning two of Angelyn's students went with us to pick out a puppy at the dog market (the petting, not the eating kind). There were SO many adorable puppies, from giant face to baby cockers to beautiful huskies, but no one jumped out to us. None cried "SimSim". So we begrudgingly set out to go home, when my heart called to me to go look at the kittens.

Now a kitten was never in our plans, but when the rescuing hearts of two women cry out, what can you do? Amidst a tower of kittens sleeping peacefully in their minuscule cages, we heard a pitiful, hoarse, screaming kitten. There on the ground in front of us was a little orange and white kitten attempting to bite, claw and scratch her way to freedom. We looked at each other and said instantly, "We are taking that baby home!". So practically ripping her away from the evil cat lady (who should be shot, btw...), we put kitty in the taxi and took her home. Our hearts will never be the same again!

Now I don't want to be one of those new parents who does nothing but talk about their children...but I just can't contain myself. She is the best kitty ever! We tortured her with a bath, picked all the fleas off her, cleaned her ears with giant q-tips and then passed her between 30 people, and she still loves us best. Well, she still loves Angelyn best, but I'm working on her. She will scream and scream unless she can see us, and bounds around the apartment following our giant feet. She purrs at the same time she screams, and she's already a cuddler.

We tossed around a few names: Amendment, Liberty, Harriet Tubman, Madame Bovary, Amelia Earhart, Karen Carpenter and Fran Drescher (for various reasons). For about 24 hours, kitty was nameless. But finally we settled on Lucille Ball (Arnaz). The reasons are multi-fold:
-Red hair
-Constant screaming and crying
-Living with foreigners
-Clingy and needy (we are her Ethel)
-She is definitely not a communist (explanation: during the Red Scare, Lucille Ball was called before the Committee of Un-American Activities...she was cleared, and Dezi was quoted as saying "the only thing red about Lucy is her hair")

1 comment:
Good good good......
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