Thursday, October 30, 2008

How mean Miss Jessica made her students do service for their midterms...

It's midterm season here in Shiyan, and this semester I decided to ask my students to use their personal time to go out and serve the "less fortunate" in their community in some way...and bonus points if they could do it in English. For their presentations, they had to show me video or photographs documenting their activities, and then tell me how their world view was changed. I was so proud of them...they went to orphanages, nursing homes and kindergartens. One family even cleaned up garbage for hours after a major campus wide event. They all expressed really great insight afterwards, and there were even promises of continuation of service. It was so refreshing to bring the values of the Father into the classroom, and see how those moments of service challenged them.

So, I have to share one family's service project in particular with you - the Knights. I have to share this, not because it was particularly successful mind you, (actually, they kind of missed the point and I had to give them a bad grade!) but because:
A) Their English is just SO bad, I have to share my downfall as a teacher with you
B) I love these girls and don't care that their English is bad...they are hilarious
C) Andy chases a boy

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That was awesome! Tell them all I said hi. If you could do it by jumping into the room, screaming, and scaring the mess out of them, that would be best.