Tuesday, January 15, 2008

THS (The Terminal) - "You No Go Vietnam!"

"You no go Vietnam!" These words will revirbirate through my mind with a giggle and a shudder for the rest of my life. These were the words spoken forcefully to me by the border guard at the South Chinese border crossing today...witness a day in the life of Tom Hanks...
Nanning is the largest city north of the Veitnamese border where foreigners can secure passports, other than that its only claim to fame is dog hotpot and the largest brass drum collection in the world. I have been in Nanning since Saturday evening, waiting for Monday morning to come so Jessica, Graham and I could go to the consulate. We got up bright and early Monday morning, found the consolute with our newly aquired Spanish grandmother Rosa, and applied for our visas. We were told we could pick them up that afternoon! Exciting, only one more day in China! So we bought bustickets to Hanoi, Vietnam for first thing Tuesday mornings. Visas check, bus tickets check, happy foreigners check check.
Main Plot:
We caught the bus this morning, delighted to be on our way with everything going so smoothly. The scenery to the border was beautiful and we were even given lotus & mixed bean congee (congealed soup that smells of stale communion bread) on the bus. We arrived at the border to a near empty crossing, and I approached the passport checker with happiness radiating from my heart, thinking of the land of warmth and magical coconut drinks on the other side, when I heard it..."You No Go Vietnam!"
Heart stop beating, rage clouding all judgement, highly-illegial border jumping scenerios crossing mind! Shenme??? What do you mean...no...go vietnam? Have visa! Have golden ticket! Ting Bu Dong!
Come to find out, the amazingly talented staff at the Vietnamese consulate have put the followin entry date on a number of passports yesterday, 20/02/2008, a computer glitch caught by some but not by the distributors of Jessica, Graham or my visa. Goodbye Veitnam, hello 8 hour wait at the Chinese border crossing.
Long explanation short:China can't let us out, Veitnam won't let us in. No phone calls or faxes from the Nanning consulate can fix. So Graham, being the chivalrous gentleman that he was, went all the way back to Nanning (3.5 hour bus ride) to have our visas corrected. There was hope that he could be back in time for the border closing so we could cross tonight, but the Veitnamese consulates idea of "full reimbursement and transportation back to the border" turned out to be 200 rmb and some maps. So Graham is stuck in Nanning for the night. A few games of Phase Diez (which turned out to be the awesome game I predicted) and border guard pengyoumen later, Jessica and I were escorted by Communist officials to the nearby town of Pinxiang for a night in what appears to be an abandonded brothel/haunted house. Highlights have been witnessing blackmarket Vietnamese visa transactions by our escorts (to which we said, "I thought we were friends!"), congee video diaries, and mystery vegetables. Needless to say, if Jessica and I make it through the night, we are out of here as soon as possible!
Alternate Endings:
According to Xiansheng Fan, we are to meet the bus "letter" at "hui" thirty in the morning to get back to the border. If all goes according to plan we will meet Graham at 11:30 (and shower him with appreciative hugs) and be in Veitnam by noon with annotated visas. My frostbitten toes and dirty hair will be grateful. If you see a post from me soon, you will know I outran Stanley Tucci...If you not, figure I am permenant limbo because Krakozhia is no more.

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