Sunday, January 4, 2009

When students imitate Ghostbusters for a grade

Scene 1
Ghost 1: Oh! I'm thirsty. I want to drink some fresh blood
Ghosts 2: Oh! I'm hungry. I think children are delicious. It's time for supper now. Let's go and look for some children.

Scene 2
Child 1: What's wrong? Why are all the lights turn off?
Child 2: Brother, I am a little afraid. Oh! Look, what's that?
Children 1,2: Father, Mother, these are two ghosts in our house. Help!
Father: Don't worry. We will find them out. What did they look like?
Child 1: They are long black hairs which covered their faces.
Child 2: When the wind blowed away their hairs I saw their white eyes and long teeth.
Child 1,2: Oh! That's terrible! We are afraid.
Mother: God! I need a cross which can protect us. Ghosts always afraid of it.
Father: Stay calm! I better take my gun. Okay! Lets go and see what happened.

Scene 3
Father: Heads up! I will shoot anyone who moves. Who are you? Where are you from? What are you going to do?
Ghost 1: We are lonely ghosts and live in the underground world.
Ghost : Though, what we look like is terrible, we don't want to harm you if you can afford some fresh blood and meat.
Mother: Oh! I killed a turkey just now, there is some blood and fresh meat. I think you'll like them.
Ghost 1: Thank you! You're very nice. In fact, we are angels in heaven. The God want to see whether you dare to help someone who looks terrible and frighten you.
Ghost 2: Now, our task is over. Your performance is perfect. May God bless you.
Ghost 1,2: May your family be happy forever. Bye-bye!
Family members: See you!

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